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Archive for the 'DTGD 10' Category

Hi Friends! Well, I have been trying to get this post written since last night and it’s now after 1pm on Saturday.   We’re having Murphy’s Law kind of day here at the McMillen house.   Yesterday, the hubster was notified that he is officially laid off.   Ok, we can deal with that.   […]

Good morning, friends! Oh, the crazy, hazy days of summer!   One minute I’m ahead of the game, the next I’m behind.   Hate to say this, but I’m actually looking forward to school starting!   I’m not certain how that’s going to make my life simpler, but let’s just pretend. Over the last few […]

Good morning, Friends! Well we are going full steam ahead in the Dare to Get Dirty challenges!   Today is my challenge.   Because the challenges are for Fan Club members, we’re not allowed to give details on the challenges, but I can certainly show you what I’ve made! My first project to share I […]

………. What’s a girl to do?   Hi Friends!   From the time I first found the Splitcoaststampers website, I have been hooked on the daily challenges.   Anyone who has crafted for any length of time can attest to the fact that sometimes you are just lost for fresh ideas.   The challenges are […]